Our goal is for customers to be happy with their purchase. But things may not always go as planned. If things don’t go as planned, contact us and we will try to make things right for you.

You have to place your request for a return or a refund within 30 days of the date of delivery. If the order does not arrive you can place your refund request within 30 days of the estimated date of delivery.

If you have changed the decision regarding your order you can cancel it within 8 hours of the time it was placed.

If you receive an item that is damaged, different, or not of the size or colour you ordered, you can request a refund. We will request a photo of the product and you may be required to return the item.

After we approve a cancellation or refund and confirm the return of the item, www.sarkng.com will return the amount of the purchase to your original payment method within 3-5 working days. Return shipping fees will not be refunded to the customer.